La demanda de flores de corte: Generación de datos e investigación de mercado

Cordomí, Mariana Delgado
Perez, Gonzalo Antonio
Talassino, Mauricio Rodrigo
Zur LanganzeigeZusammenfassung
M. Delgado Cordomí, G. Antonio Perez and M. Rodrigo Talassino. The cut-flower
demand: Data generation and marketing research. There is low information about cut
flower market to support to the producer’s trade in the Tucumán’s province. The aim of this
study was to conduct a market survey of cut flowers in the Tucumán’s province. Also we
analyzed the perception of traders from their suppliers as well as consumer preferences in
order to contribute to development. We applied two surveys: The first one was applied to
florist and the second was applied to potential consumers. Through descriptive statistics we
characterized product demand. The main results revealed the existence of price’s variability
for the same kind of flower sold in different flower-shop. The reasons of these were the
quality difference of the product, market segmentation and information asymmetries. The
cemetery florist sellers have the main purchase frequency to the providers, but low volume.
Therefore they are forced to deal with local intermediaries while commercial florists deal
directly with producers in the region. The sales peaks are explained for certain key day
during the year. The main attribute perceived by flower’s consumers is the price, so the
demand is very elastic. This research will provide information to improve the make decisions floriculture producers and traders.
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